BRD Oportunități
Class RON, Class EUR and Class USD

Open-end investment fund denominated in both RON, EURO and USD, with a flexible investment allocation, being able to invest both in Romania and on global markets. The Fund's strategic allocation is 60% shares and 40% other assets, but it may deviate significantly from it.
The objective of the fund is to obtain favorable long-term returns, by capitalizing on investment opportunities in the financial markets of stocks, bonds and monetary instruments.

Through the investments made, the fund aims to provide customers with high liquidity and diversification.

The performance of the Fund may be influenced by the negative performance of one or more financial markets in which the Fund invests. In this sense, there is no form of guarantee for the investments made by investors.


Who does it suit?


You can choose this fund if you want to invest long-term in the stock and bond markets without limiting yourself to a certain predefined exposure of assets or a geographical area. If you want a dynamic portfolio that seeks to capitalize on investment opportunities in the financial markets of stocks, bonds and monetary instruments then this fund may be for you.

Given the fund's profile, it is appropriate if you are willing to accept a high degree of risk.



ISIN Fond Class USD: ROMN0819U4K3

Decizie autorizare ASF: 67/28.04.2022

Registru ASF: CSC06FDIR/400125/28.04.2022

GIIN: YCEN9M.00009.SF.642/ 02.05.2022

LEI: 787200PXY46788L47P38

Informațiile și datele prezentate au rolul de a permite clienților și potențialilor clienți ai BRD Asset Management S.A.I. S.A. să ia o decizie de investiții informată. Prin consultarea acestui material, sunteti de acord sa accesați și utilizați aceste date exclusiv în scop investițional.

Date of last update 27.06.2024
Total net assets (mil. RON) 145,13
Net assets Class RON (mil. RON) 54,53
Net assets Class EUR (mil. EUR) 14,83
Net assets Class USD (mil. USD) 3,61
Net asset value per unit Class RON (RON) 123,9714
Net asset value per unit Class EUR (EUR) 30,7781
Net asset value per unit Class USD (USD) 32,6817
Launch date Class RON 11.07.2022
Launch date Class EUR 11.07.2022
Launch date Class USD 11.07.2022
Degree of risk? mediu spre scăzut (Class RON)
mediu spre scăzut (Class EUR)
mediu (Class USD)
Currency RON/EUR/USD
Type Diversified funds
Subscription / redemption fee 0/0


Performanțele anterioare nu prevăd profiturile viitoare. Profiturile pot creste sau scadea din cauza fluctuatiilor cursului de schimb valutar.
Fund unit evolution
BRD Oportunitati Clasa RON
Brd oblig
Annualized performance
Period (years)
The graph represents the annualized net performance for the mentioned periods. The past performances of the funds do not represent a guarantee of future achievements. This graph is an informative note and does not intend in any way to recommend or advise on a particular investment strategy, the decision being wholly owned by the investor.
Fund unit evolution
BRD Oportunitati Clasa EUR
Brd oblig
Annualized performance
Period (years)
The graph represents the annualized net performance for the mentioned periods. The past performances of the funds do not represent a guarantee of future achievements. This graph is an informative note and does not intend in any way to recommend or advise on a particular investment strategy, the decision being wholly owned by the investor.
Fund unit evolution
BRD Oportunitati Clasa USD
Brd oblig
Annualized performance
Period (years)
The graph represents the annualized net performance for the mentioned periods. The past performances of the funds do not represent a guarantee of future achievements. This graph is an informative note and does not intend in any way to recommend or advise on a particular investment strategy, the decision being wholly owned by the investor.

Monthly Newsletter - 31.05.2024

Portfolio structure
Monetary market 9.75%
Tbills 3.77%
Equity RO 11.55%
International Equity 27.04%
Governmental bonds 40.57%
Corporate bonds 5.58%
Fund units 1.91%
Last year 15.92%
Last 3 years -
Last 5 years -
From the beginning 23.48%
Fund information
No. of investors 2290
Portfolio structure
Monetary market 9.75%
Tbills 3.77%
Equity RO 11.55%
International Equity 27.04%
Governmental bonds 40.57%
Corporate bonds 5.58%
Fund units 1.91%
Last year 15.80%
Last 3 years -
Last 5 years -
From the beginning 22.63%
Fund information
No. of investors 314
Portfolio structure
Monetary market 9.75%
Tbills 3.77%
Equity RO 11.55%
International Equity 27.04%
Governmental bonds 40.57%
Corporate bonds 5.58%
Fund units 1.91%
Last year 17.22%
Last 3 years -
Last 5 years -
From the beginning 31.82%
Fund information
No. of investors 128