Fund denominated in Euro. It has a diversified portfolio, making investments predominantly on the bond markets in fixed income and monetary instruments.
It is an investment alternative with immediate liquidity.
It offers diversification in terms of financial performance and minimal risk.
The Fund does not invest in shares.
The performance of the Fund may be influenced by the negative performance of one or more financial markets in which the Fund invests. In this sense, there is no form of guarantee for the investments made by investors.
Who does it suit?
You can choose this fund if your investor profile is conservative, with / or holdings in euros and you aim to earn income through stable financial performance in the medium term, by investing in a diversified portfolio of government securities, bonds and money market instruments .
Decizie autorizare ASF: 452/30.03.2010
Registru ASF: CSC06FDIR/400064/30.03.2010
GIIN: YCEN9M.00002.SF.642
LEI: 549300VN5Q54TYX5BQ54
Urmărește evoluția fondului pe Bloomberg*
* Informațiile sunt prelucrate și puse la dispoziție de entitatea-terță Bloomberg, iar BRD Asset Management S.A.I. S.A. nu iși asumă nicio responsabilitate cu privire la conținutul informațiilor furnizate de Bloomberg.
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